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Showing posts from November, 2018

Can Music Artist Go Nation To Nation With Music In Order To Spread The Gospel?

Well the argument has came up numerous times to those that confess to be glorifying God in Christ through Gospel music, Christian Rap or any other Christian type music. They use the internet as their tool to say that they are going nation to nation when in reality they never leave their home or office. It might be their in their comfort place and also they are interpreting God's word wrong. king Stevian our CEO and Apostle had an experience with this as he was on Facebook. He was approached by a person who said he was a oracle of God. The person told him that his artist Flyby and him needed to stop with the secular type Christian Rap. king responded to him by stating that souls were being won and it was what the Lord told him to do. king Stevian later took it to Gidionn The Overseer to present the message from Facebook and they two discussed the entire situation. There were some doubt about them as Christian Rappers using the world beats to place the word of God th